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The Connecticut Renaissance Faire®

27th Anniversary Celebration!

Royal Family & Market Weekend

Celebrate tradition and furry family fun at the Royal Family & Market Weekend!

Join us for a royal celebration of family and furry friends. This weekend, bring your furry friends and dress them up in costume for our “Pet Costume Contest” and “Tricks for Treats” competition. You dog will also enjoy our “Musical Sit” game.

Market lovers can indulge in an artisan shopping experience with unique and handcrafted goods. Shop till you drop and collect Market Receipts that earn you free General Admission tickets. Don’t forget to turn in your receipts for a chance to receive our rewards!

Public-friendly pets are allowed all days of the Faire. Dogs must have proof of rabies vaccination.

Spend $200 at the Faire in a day (or over our opening weekend) and then turn in at least $200* in receipts at our info booth (near the front gate) before the weekend ends and receive a complimentary ticket to return this season. Be sure to get your official Market Weekend receipt with each purchase.
* Restrictions: Admission, food, drinks, and games do not count toward the $200 minimum requirement. You must request a special Market Receipt from the merchant at the time of purchase. You can turn receipts in at our Information Booth at any point during Faire hours. You must turn in your receipts before the end of the weekend to receive your reward.


Neighbor Appreciation Day: Join us for our annual Neighbor Appreciation Day at the Connecticut Renaissance Faire! As a thank you to our amazing community, we’re offering free admission to all Lebanon residents and their children. Simply bring a driver’s license or state-issued ID with a Lebanon address, or a household bill (electric, gas, water, etc.) with a Lebanon address to receive your complimentary ticket. If you’re bringing a child (7-15), they can also enjoy free admission when accompanying a parent or guardian from Lebanon. Children six and under are always free! Don’t miss out on this special day dedicated to our wonderful neighbors.

Pet Costume Contest: Dress up your furry friend in a magical costume and join us for the Pet Costume Contest at the Connecticut Renaissance Faire! Show off your pet’s enchanting costume and compete against other fantasy-themed pets. Please note that all dogs need to have proof of rabies vaccination to enter the Faire. Don’t miss out on the chance to share the magic of the Renaissance with your beloved companion! 


Tricks for Treats Contest: Are you the proud owner of a talented pet that can perform impressive tricks? This is your chance to showcase your furry friend’s skills and be in the running to win amazing prizes. Don’t miss this opportunity to wow the audience with your pet’s unique abilities. All dogs require proof of rabies vaccination to enter the Faire.

Monday (Labor Day)

Musical Sit Contest: You’ll walk your dog around the stage during this bone-afide game, and when the music stops, the last dog to obey the sit command is out. The last dog remaining is the winner. All dogs require proof of rabies vaccination to enter the Faire.

All dogs require proof of rabies vaccination. See footer information regarding puppies.

Meet the Author: Each day of our show, we schedule a new up-and-coming fantasy author. Buy a book, get it signed, join their fan club, and grab a selfie to show you were there. See who the author is for a given day in the Guests Merchants section of our Shops page.

Contest Info: All contests occur on the Sovereign Stage at 2:45 pm. Unless otherwise mentioned, the Faire includes these events with your same-day admission. If you are planning to enter a contest, please arrive 10-15 minutes before starting. At the discretion of the contest host, some events may choose to limit the number of participants in a particular contest due to time restrictions.