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The Connecticut Renaissance Faire®

27th Anniversary Celebration!

The Sisters Pendragon

All 8 Weekends! The Sisters Pendragon travel the shires and byways of the land, telling forgotten tales of classic lady warriors with words and swords. Gloomy Mary insists that every story must have at least one horrible monster, while romantic Charlie is adamant that every tale has an ending where love prevails. Which sister will come out on top (and can they stay in character the whole time?) Learn about the Irish hero Cù Chulainn and his lady sword-master Shadow, or help us to come up with an entirely unique story in our Hero’s Journey improv show! Learn about the real-life Infamous Queen of the Pirates in our debut new fight show (PG-13), or the (incomprehensible) Faerie Queene based on Edmund Spenser’s epic poem.